Wednesday, November 10, 2010


feeling overwhelmed. feeling unloved. this goes in such steep waves, here at vcu. i'm just so exhausted.

also i just hate franklin terrace. seriously in a basement all day. vcu itself is not a pretty place. richmond's cool- franklin terrace sucks.

i just want my family. i want to know my dad will be okayyyyyyyyyyyy i also want to know if my brother will be okayyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee.

i just want someone to hug me and laugh with me, be with me, and talk about jesus with me and at least try to love me back unconditionally. i love my mom. i love erin. i love rachel. i love victoria. i love meleia and ciera. i love my small group.

i don't feel supported or encouraged------- however, this, too goes in waves. but my sinful heart is so deceiving and tells me so many lies that make me afraid, timid, sad, dumb. but when i bounce back , it is so easy to see how foolish it is to feel that way. it's just so easy to slip. durererpghp.

i'm like a pen whose nib runs out of ink. now i'm just scratching at the paper, cutting the paper. all the work but with nothing to show for it but scratches and cuts. i need to return to the well, be replenished of ink. it's so foolishly human when i don't cling to what is so obviously missing.
but i don't know how exactly to fix all this with jesus. i pray about it all day. i just don't have a large lot of joy, but it is there, in waves, like i said- it's almost more like bittersweet. but i am trying my best to be patient.

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovey. I've been terrible about blogging and keeping up with your blog. I am sad we're so far apart and can't see each other to be encouraging. Seems like the most encouraging people are not quite always there and it causes ups and downs...But I am so so proud of you and love you, and you are a breath of fresh air in my life no matter how far away we are from each other!

    In our ups and downs let's keep reminding each other that following Jesus will be worth it, all worth it, in the end. I'm coming to realize this struggle never gets fact I wouldn't be surprised if it got increasingly harder because Satan doesn't like that we're so persistent. I know I get discouraged like mad, especially lately. But...I know in my heart He's the way. So let's pray for each other and pray for our own defenses against the devil...he comes to STEAL and kill and destroy...first he steals our faith, and that gives him an open door to kill our hope, and after that he can easily destroy us.
    I love youuu love you love you and can't wait to see your face and also can't wait to talk to you. :)
