Wednesday, December 15, 2010


so i put off my final animation project until the last possible minute. that minute is right now, and i came all the way to the library to scan my images because my scanner doesn't work, don't want to use hannah's, etc, blah, blahblablha. the library is 24 hours this week, but the media center IS NOT! if i was not a Christian i would be havinga complete life melt down, but no, right now i am sitting on the 3rd floor of the library having some real peace.
i think one of the most exhilarating things about my faith is being reminded again and again how intentional God's plan is. I think sometimes, he definitely makes it way more obvious to me, over other people, what he's up to- which is a huge blessing, that he has given me a heart that sees him moving,especially in the hard times- times like right now. but seriously so many events in my life are so interlaced it blows my mind. God is living for me, through me-- and he's proven it so many times but still i doubt and i worry about carrying myself. blablhbalha.
liek this morning- i woke up 40 minutes later than i wanted to- then i biked here to campus, and ran into nicole little. i think that every time i see nicole little, i know it is by absolutely no means an accident haha. i love her so much and we both got to encourage each other for our final test/project that morning, and neither of us had slept muchh hahaha. so seeing her was just encouragement alone that everything is in his timing. i'm sitting here in the library, exhausted and about to cry just because he's so good and faithful and i should have failed ten times over by now, but i'm still afloat. i can't wait for this month.... i feel like there is no way it can't be the best month of my life- just because i really want to turn it over to spiritual rest and renewal- not just escape.i am so blessed to have this opportunity to go home, because i need it so badly. i'm so blessed to have my family and my few amazing friends in Colorado- i have never been so encouraged as i was over Thanksgiving break. i was completely astounded when reminded of what it is like to be loved by others selflessly. meleia, when i apologized for not writing her back and being bad at keeping in touch, just told me to shut up and that she hadn't heard my voice in person for four months and that she didn't care, all that mattered was being there now. SEIROUSLY THAT WAS PROBABLY ONE OF THE SWEETEST THINGS ANYONE HAS EVER TOLD MEEEEEEEE AHHHHHHBALHGAH.last summer was amazing.. i just want to sleep right now urhg.

night night
jk finishing project thankyouGod

1 comment:

  1. Reading what Mimi said just made me cry.
    It's the same for me. Can't believe how INTENSELY God threw us into each others lives this past summer.
    I love you more than typing can say.

    Ciera Noelle
