Saturday, August 7, 2010

two lefts don't make a wrong

going to bed at 11pm in august
jk it is only almost 9pm in colorado and i am about to dieee.

i'm in a hotel room. in a hotel it is okay to feel like you are not at home. i don't feel ready to sleep in our house :/
leaving my house in colorado is still a fresh wound and i don't want to have to plant myself into a whole new house less than 20 hours later. ughahbahbhg.

i love and miss ciera and meleia and crissa and cassandra. they were all my summer loverz. i am seriously so, so blessed. i don't know what to do with all this love. i am so full of love right now at the end of this amazing summer, but have also caught the scent of fear, nervousness, discouragement. but i swear i know with all my hear that if i trust in Him to make it all work for his greater purpose, he will take all this uncertainty from me and turn it into something that glorifies him. i just need to take advantage of the opportunities that he gives to me. fo reealz. is it possible to be so nervous, but so confident at the same time? idkidkdidk. i just know SOMETHING amazing will come of this year just because i have been so blessed to have my heart molded in a way that i feel determined to place my whole heart in God's hands, so that he will do anything he wants with it.

it is tough facing tomorrow because of the little things. but i should count the little things lost as blessings i may enjoy while i can, but when they are gone, i do not cling to them. it's just sad because some of those little things include stuff like making my mom laugh and watching my little brother grow up into a teenager. sad. eghgh.

oh and did i mention i have this stupid festering love for stupid stupid sptuid psutpsid psutpsdtuapbababab. I JUST WANT BACK IN YO HEAD.

1 comment:

  1. hehehehehe I LOVE YOUUUU LAURENNNNNN. You are SO right that this year is going to be one of growing PAINS.
    seriously. For all o' us. But this summer has been such a blessing and now that it's coming to an end it hurts. :( But we gotta realize we had the blessing in the first place. :) I know God's gonna be doing kuh-razy stuff with you this year through YWAM and through your new house and housemates and I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT.

    I wish we could write a book on our summer, and then what happens to all of us this coming year because of our summer togetha and our wildly different experiences to come. That would be the shiz. Maybe I'll write said book...
