Sunday, September 5, 2010


interesting day, long, long day. have done nothing for school but i got closer/reconnected with some aletheia friends and hung out with this awesome freshman interested in doing Young Life named Camille. i am sickeningly tired after making a huge dinner and watching princess mononoke at the guys' house. i felt bad cos i was so tired - i probalby shouldn't even have gone urgh.

must animate tomorrowww. even though i want to have lunch with KT and go to the YL bbq- but i think i'm a bit pooped out from that.

sounds stupid and in my heart i know this isn't for self centered reasons but i really wish i was close with someone in YL who was as spiritually mature as the people at Aletheia. the people at aletheia are so ready to serve, and really ask god to mold them and strip their worldly selves away completely so that christ the forefront of their words, actions, thoughts. i want to be that way. idk ikdidkidkiddk blah i have to sleep. getting weird bibi

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