Thursday, October 28, 2010


faghaghbabohasdiohfaoidhfhasdbhaowiehbaoiwhsdlfhasodhva;wlekhbahsdfkhasdlkfhasldbhl;adkbhalksdhfioawehfalkshdbhasldhb ahlskdaeoiwfhaslkdhbkalshdlkghasldkbhaiowevklashdbklahsdfjnawekjhfdalkhsdb lkajwelkhasldkhba dhsbkahwoeidfnakljhneskjdvbakjsdfjkasbdvklajsdbvkl jz,bxc m,zmxbcfiuawkejshdfkaljsdbxcv hamnbsdxfjhamcsnbxhjvmnba sjhmfnxzbcz j,hxmdnbvajsdmnxbcvjhamzwgensbiudfWABEHJFDMGAJSDFBAJKSDBVJAHSDBDigwefbashjdflHFJAKGSDFJASHDFKJLAGSDVJBALIUESBCUIABSDKVJBASLDJKFBJKABSDVKJBASDVYUBAWEYUBFDAJDGHFLIASHDFKJABWEIUUSTHRAHSHnwe vasiduhrwne aisdhfakwefyhshthadhfaksjdfhawefkajh asjkdhf akwnbeuahshtyzsdfjknewbhaksvyawebfa dfy zserajkwehf hshubreahsehf sythe abjsyereouaydf aw haev hjawerh seyajk seytjehra pa isufad

my church has got some wackos in it ///////////don't know what to do/kind of worried/unsure if i should even concern myself with it but wow i really disagree with a huge part of what they believe about women.

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

i want to shut up for a while /forever
even though i feel like everything needs to be said

always being broken and built up again yeahhhh

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