Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I HAVE BEEN PRAYING ABOUT THIS ALL SEMESTER. and i know many of my faithful friends and family members have been praying for it as well- and thank you, thank you thank you SO MUCH for praying, i am positively stunned. THIS IS WHAT GOD BROUGHT ME HERE TO DO. praise the Lord that he has saved me, sustained me, transformed me, encouraged me, LOVED ME through this dark confusing time- i thought i would always be alone in my struggles to glorify God as a Christian artist, but that's absolutely not the case- God has PROVIDED beyond my wildest expectations. this is just the beginning but oh my GOD, if he can take someone like me and turn me into someone who is destined for leadership in his holy name- i am forced to completely lay down all my doubt, all my fears- HE IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS and who he is is FAITHFUL TO HIS PROMISES. did i not just rock Philippians 4:13 (For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.) in my last blog?!!? i am astounded. God has blessed me so, so, so much and i am so so unworthy and so so so undeserving but I can only pray that he will take me and use me for what he has in store. that is my only hope, and I wouldn't trade this for anything in the entire world. i need to stop thinking that since i'm a mediocre average person who can maybe make a little difference. no. this isn't about me anymore and this isn't my work, this isn't my miracle in the making. this is His will being carried out through broken sinners who have ONLY been reconciled to his holiness by the pure blood of Christ. how can i deny his presence, that he is the invisible, but strong, unpredictable, undeniable force that takes me where it pleases? John 3:8- "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
I have no idea where this is going to take me but God is doing crazy things. I have been despairing all this semester- unsure of my direction, angry and frustrated. my pride was stripped away, i was discouraged and entirely uncertain of myself. I remembered the fact that i never even wanted to go to art school in the first place- that it was the only place i applied and i miraculously got in. i was doubting, wondering if perhaps elsewhere would be better. i wanted out, i wanted, i wanted, i wanted. i was entirely unsatisfied but he heard me when i cried out to him, when my friends cried out to him, when my mother, brothers, father cried out to him. he has been so faithful to me and has put me in my place- knowing that he is absolutely strong, he is steadfast, he is absolutely the only One who satisfies.

Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight. [a]

Between Ryan Todd Lauterio and You

Chase Beaucanon October 26 at 10:34pm

Rachel Schneider told me that i should talk to you. i hear you aren't teaching anymore to become a pastor, which i think is really awesome. my name is lauren stutzriem and i'm a kinetic imaging sophomore. Rachel thought i should talk to you- God has put two things on my heart- for one, the fact that there is nothing more important in the world than to know Him more intimately and to love others and to further his kingdom. and two, using art as a tool of communication that transcends spoken language alone. i used to think i wanted to be a 2D cartoon animator but God has really humbled me and shown me that i'm not even half of the artist i was. so now i'm just waiting for him to lead me to where he pleases. i just want to glorify him, but it's hard because i don't know how to do that yet in kinetic imaging. i don't know where my life is headed.

anyway i wanted to tell you that i really respect your decision and i am very encouraged by your witness. sin is real, salvation is real, sanctification is real, love and grace are so real and so abounding and this good news is THE most important, beautiful and captivating thing anyone could ever speak. we can't keep it to ourselves!!

i was wondering if you are still teaching, or how much longer you will be teaching, and if you will still be in the area. i have always been interested in holding some sort of christian artists' discussion or something like that. artists have so much power in their gift to communicate- and christian artists need to be encouraged to let christ be known. i don't know. even if it's just a prayer group.

well i didn't have a whole lot else to say but i am just so ecstatic to see another artist step out in faith for Christ's sake!!


Ryan Todd Lauterio October 26 at 11:07pm

Greetings Chase, I am turning in for bed so this will be short and a bit convoluted LOL,,, Praise the Lord that you are where you are at I am very encouraged by you taking time out of your day to contact and write to me! Rachel might have gave you a bit of miss information. I am still teaching and plan to as long as the Lord see's fit, I teach in AFO at VCU among other things and it really is important that I am there> Let me take some time to tell you what has happened this semester, I do Portfolio reviews and I am on the Selection committee for making final decisions on who gets into the program! That being said I have several portfolio revues this semester and they have all been Christians and they have all been sharing a similar sentiment! This is amazing as it has never happened before and I have no control over who I meet! So forgive me for this ramble but I am blown away that you wrote to me and you are who you are! :) God is really up to something int he arts!! Which is awesome! My wife and I are making a home here in Richmond with our Daughter Ava and looking to establish A Christ centered Arts ministry. So I am not quitting teaching as that is a vital missional component and feels to strategic for me not to be there. I am however going through a program through Church called the Commonwealth which is based off of a seminary seminar model of sorts! It is to prepare people to pastor and or work in leadership, and is very in depth and focused two year program, it also is designed to let people actually serve and work in the Church as well as in the city/community, I am sitting in right now and start officially this up coming new year!
This Church is called Remnant and has been a huge answer to prayer for my wife and I. They are a year old with some very amazing people the teaching is deep and rich Christ centered gospel focused we are on Mission for Christ, and we are now looking to have our building downtown! That being said where there will be a whole set up geared towards Artist amongst other things, I am working on a comprehensive program and we will have actual gallery space to hold talks seminars lectures and shows!!! I am also researching information and teaching that I hope will be edifying to young artist. In my research I am looking at the few models that exist in the US that actually serve the arts deeply>There is so much I can share with you if you would like to meet up! I really think that would be great for both of us and many of the other Christians who are Artist and are saying the same things you are sharing!
Soon I will be starting a Crit art discussion Group and from there things will begin to unfold! So it will be exactly what you where mentioning!!! We believe Christ is going to continue to bring people to here to start a revival, and I think He is going to use the Arts as they have a valuable role with regards to culture and there is much the Lord has shared with me as I have gone through both my Masters degrees and worked as an Artist! Also My Wife has been working on her Masters degree in Christian Apologetic s and we feel that God is preparing us to write a book that will seek to equip encourage and disciple Artist who are longing to glorify Christ and make an impact! So my church right now is meeting on the corner of BLVD and Grove in the basement of Tikvat, we meet at 1030, perhaps you can come by some time and we can meet I really think it would be huge to do so! here is the website to our church! http://www.remnantrichmond.org/
I am sorry this is so choppy I was heading to bed and then got your very exciting email!! I look forward to meeting you and hearing about what God is doing with you and looking to share whats going on from our standpoint! I have a hunch we are in the same boat and Gods is at work bringing us together! Ow yes let Rachel know I am not going anywhere and I am still teaching and will be for a while, :) Also right now we have several community groups that meet around Richmond and the one we go to is Thursday nights in Carytown from 7 til 9pm we have food and informal talk about the sermons from the past Sunday you are welcome if you have the time either way lets find time to meet! I also hold open drawing studio sessions on Fridays except this Friday but next Friday they will be back on let me know what you think! Very Glad to hear from you
Of Grace
Ryan Lauterio

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