Sunday, July 11, 2010

i have a lot of cups on my desk

today i went to express to buy jeans and the guy who helped us, his name was patrick and had great blonde hair who was cool and i thought he might have been gay but yeah. we talked about hair and stuffs at the cash register and he told me about how he went to guatemala and when he came back it was really long and gross and i was like oh what brought you to guatemala? and he said that he works with an orphanage ministry and visits the same 100 kids every year and helps out with them and stuff and blablha and i was like whoa that's so cool so you're a believer? and he made this very definite face and smiled and said OH yeah, you better believe it babalbalbh and he told me what church he goes to and it was really cool and I JUST WANNA SAY it was very cool because i never thought i'd meet a cool christian guy who spends $140 on his hair cut. it was an awesome reminder on why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover haha.
i got really awesome jeans btw they're very michael jackson/tegan and sara/awesome/etc.

in more serious newz
this morning in church a guy who was sitting by himself in the second row got up and turned around after a hymn was over and everyone sat down, and he said to the congregation, "attention everybody, there is going to be a nuclear attack on new york very, very soon." and he sat down. our pastor,caught offguard just said , "excuse me sir, sir." but it had passed. later, during the sermon of the guest pastor he quickly stood, turned around and repeated what he had said before. it was really creepy and of course i'd never be RELIEVED that someone is mentally ill but i was secretly hoping that was the case rather than the guy having some sort of inside information or utterance weird thing whatever i don't know. it was just really scary. the second time he said this a couple men escorted him out and the whole church prayed for him after he left. they later informed us that he was just a "very troubled young man" and that he needs prayer and that he has been to a number of churches doing the same thing.
after church we saw a couple cop cars outside, and later, an ambulance.
i was kind of sad about this but my mom made it make sense to me why the church (i'm sure they didn't call the police right off the bat) handled things the way they did.
a few years ago this happened:,2933,316322,00.html
so folks around here are pretty careful about cases like this.
really scary
unrelated, but i've been to new life- it's a really disappointing, emotional, touchy-feely megachurch that seldom ever reads verses from the bible in context, and hardly ever talks about sin for what it is. it's sad that they ahve so many people and they are missing so much.
i can't imagine being there when this happened, though. :/ their church has had a lot of crap happen, but they are still so weak, it makes me so upset- megachurches are so weird to me- there is no possible way for a church of that size to have any unity at all. maybe in small clumps, but philippians is teaches that unity in christ calls for so much more than that.
i wish i could do something about it urgh

at the beginning of church when the guy first stood up and said what he said i thought to myself, that if our church was not the type to reach out to people like this- if no one tried to approach this guy with love and understanding- if everyone in our church was too scared- i know that i would want to be that person to do it. but i thought again- that being a girl definitely makes it different. if i were a man, though. I LOVE MEN AND WOMEN WHO FEARLESSLY STAND UP FOR LOVE AND JUSTICE AND GOD'S NAME YEAH YEAHEYAEHAYEAH i want to be like that. i want to know people like that. i want to help others know my desire to be like that.

RAD course starts on tuesday. gonna kick butt etc.
i love my dad and today is his last day of leave- makes me sad. i wish he had more time to do what he wanted- i wish he had stuff he wanted to do. we haven't taken a real vacation since i was in 5th grade before he went off to saudi arabia for a year- and i don't remember many before that either. when i have a family of my own (i hope i have a family ofmy ownnn) i hope that i'd be able to learn what it's like to have healthy relationships in a family all around. this gets kind of ridiculous and i didn't realize how weird we were until i went to college. but thankfully i also realize taht we are still a lot better off than sadly, so, so so many other families.

i love god for being the only one i need. i can't wait for young life. everyone needs to hear this and i'm so glad for an opportunity to share with highschoolers the good news i was so blessed to know when i was their age. yay yayayayay

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