Friday, July 9, 2010

realized so much love

i guess can hold it somewhere for now.
also my older brother left to return to DC today. sad bablahb. i wish our family knew how to get along better so we could have spent all the time he was here wisely.

yesterday we all went whitewater rafting and GOSH IT MADE ME WANNA BE A COWBOY/INDIAN SO BAD and i couldn't stop thinking of our story and ambushing scenes and pickbocket boy doin the pony express thing. but yes today i am so sore. my bum, my thighs, my stomach, my back/shoulders/chest are sooo sore urgh. that's probably why i accidentally slept until 3 PM TODAY WOOPSA DAISey.

i am making velveeta right now. today is meleia's birthday and i am super stoked i dont know what we're doing but yay she is alive and yay she was born yay.

boo at people who don't get excited/worried/disgusted with you about things you are really freshly passionate about . what does it hurt you to just show a little sympathetic enthusiasm for my or my best friend in the entire world's SAKE URGH

god is so good. so good so good so good so good.

i started reading harry potter in the car yesterday. i was reading really slow and finally my lil bro bro thomas was like "yeah chapter one sucks" so it helped me truck on. it is prettay cool.
i'm reading the bible sooo slowly i have to find another time to read it other than right before bed. i'm in the part of genesis where's all just geneology and im like derrr. p. but i will read it anyway.

i am sad because i thnk about me leaving colorado /my family because ifeel like things are better for everyonew hen i am here, it makes things even out and it makes it just less stressful/lonely/sad in the house. not cos of me of course just because there's another person in the house than my parents and tom.
however i am very very excited to go back to richmond. i hope i am ready i hope god makes me ready and i hope i will have taken this summer to its fullest by the time i get backk.

i want to
start readin the newspaper
start loving
everyone more than myself
letz do it

i know what i feel AND I FEEL IT RITE NOW.
it'd be cool to cover a song with someone right now or something.
listen to this al if you please, or if you don't, at least go to 1:40 and listen on after that.
i misszzz this.

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